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Thanks to everyone who bought a PDF copy of Parsantium: City at the Crossroads in the recent Father’s Day/World Cup Sale! The sale got an amazing response, with more copies sold than the whole of April and May added together, and bringing total sales to date to over 350 copies :). I hope you all enjoy Parsantium and please do let me know what you think of it. As always, I’m happy to answer any questions you might have about the book or the city – just use the contact form or leave a comment.

There are now six icons for 13th Age on the blog, with more to come each weekend. Even if you don’t play 13th Age, these write ups of major NPCs and power groups should be useful to anyone looking find ideas for connections between their PCs and the setting’s movers and shakers.

Finally, Raging Swan Press have just published GM’s Miscellany: Urban Dressing, containing over 250 pages of material to help busy GMs running city campaigns. This massive compilation features all the stuff I wrote on taverns for the two So What’s the Tavern Like, Anyway?  books, as well as dozens of useful tables of names, NPC and building descriptions, encounters and more by Creighton Broadhurst, Brian Liberge, Marc Radle and many other great writers. Highly recommended for GMs running a game set in Parsantium or any other large city.

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